I gained 5 pounds on Vacation!

Heartbreaking, right? Probably not to you, but definitely for me. I didn’t workout last week while I was on vacation, aside from Monday. I had some health issues that had me really scared and anxious, and I couldn’t focus on anything else, so I laid on the couch and ate too much fast food. I am A-Okay now though!

I am back home, as of yesterday afternoon, and I am going to try my hardest to get back into my workouts! I made chicken and green beans for all of my lunches this week, got more protein snacks and Greek yogurt so I have something healthy when I get hungry. It has been hard to learn how not to stuff my face when I feel even the slightest bit of hunger, and eating all of the fast food I ate last week, It is going to be hard to get back into making healthy choices. I missed fast food, I missed burgers, and fries, and onion rings, etc. I love those foods, and choosing healthy options over those has and will always be hard to do in my life.

I think I pulled a muscle in my leg, so tonight I am going to work my arms and hopefully it gives me that motivation to continue working out this week. I need to find the will power within me to continue this journey, because as of right now, I don’t really want to. I have always been a lazy person, but I don’t want to be that lazy person anymore. If you have an suggestions on finding that motivation, please help a girl out! I usually watch inspirational YouTube videos, but right now not even that is helping.

My vacation was still a lot of fun, and I got to see my boyfriend for the week, who I missed very much. We didn’t really do a whole lot, but I enjoyed just spending time with him and his family. It was also great to get a week off of work! I needed a break before things start to get busy at my job. To end my blog post for today, if you haven’t seen Ready Player One, go do it now! It was a fantastic movie and well worth seeing in theaters!

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